Fundamental limits of online and distributed algorithms for statistical learning and estimation. Shamir, O. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27, NeurIPS'14, pages 163–171, 2014.
[Sha14] Considers estimation tasks under various information constraints, such as memory or communication. Establishes results for sequentially interactive protocols for those problems by proving a lower bound on the "hide-and-seek" problem, that is, the mean estimation problem for high-dimensional product Bernoulli distributions with 1-sparse mean vectors.

  title={Fundamental limits of online and distributed algorithms for statistical learning and estimation},
  author={Shamir, Ohad},
  booktitle= {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27, {NeurIPS'14}},
  bibbase_note = {<div class="well well-small bibbase"><span class="bluecite">[Sha14]</span> Considers estimation tasks under various information constraints, such as memory or communication. Establishes results for sequentially interactive protocols for those problems by proving a lower bound on the "hide-and-seek" problem, that is, the mean estimation problem for high-dimensional product Bernoulli distributions with 1-sparse mean vectors.</div>}

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