Analytical design of enhanced PID filter controller for integrating and first order unstable processes with time delay. Shamsuzzoha, M. & Lee, M. Chem. Eng. Sci., 63(10):2717–2731, 2008.
Analytical design of enhanced PID filter controller for integrating and first order unstable processes with time delay [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
An analytical design for a proportional-integral derivative (PID) controller cascaded with a first order lead/lag filter is proposed for integrating and first order unstable processes with time delay. The design algorithm is based on the internal model control (IMC) criterion, which has a single tuning parameter to adjust the performance and robustness of the controller. A setpoint filter is used to diminish the overshoot in the servo response. In the simulation study, the controllers were tuned to have the same degree of robustness by measuring the maximum sensitivity, Ms, in order to obtain a reasonable comparison. Furthermore, the robustness of the controller was investigated by inserting a perturbation uncertainty in all parameters simultaneously to obtain the worst case model mismatch, and the proposed method showed more robustness against process parameter uncertainty than the other methods. For the selection of the closed-loop time constant, [lambda], a guideline is also provided over a broad range of time-delay/time-constant ratios. The simulation results obtained for the suggested method were compared with those obtained for other recently published design methods to illustrate the superiority of the proposed method.
  author    = {Shamsuzzoha, M. and Lee, Moonyong},
  title     = {Analytical design of enhanced {PID} filter controller for integrating and first order unstable processes with time delay},
  journal   = {Chem. Eng. Sci.},
  year      = {2008},
  volume    = {63},
  number    = {10},
  pages     = {2717--2731},
  issn      = {0009-2509},
  abstract  = {An analytical design for a proportional-integral derivative ({PID}) controller cascaded with a first order lead/lag filter is proposed for integrating and first order unstable processes with time delay. The design algorithm is based on the internal model control (IMC) criterion, which has a single tuning parameter to adjust the performance and robustness of the controller. A setpoint filter is used to diminish the overshoot in the servo response. In the simulation study, the controllers were tuned to have the same degree of robustness by measuring the maximum sensitivity, Ms, in order to obtain a reasonable comparison. Furthermore, the robustness of the controller was investigated by inserting a perturbation uncertainty in all parameters simultaneously to obtain the worst case model mismatch, and the proposed method showed more robustness against process parameter uncertainty than the other methods. For the selection of the closed-loop time constant, [lambda], a guideline is also provided over a broad range of time-delay/time-constant ratios. The simulation results obtained for the suggested method were compared with those obtained for other recently published design methods to illustrate the superiority of the proposed method.},
  doi       = {10.1016/j.ces.2008.02.028},
  owner     = {Rushikesh},
  timestamp = {2010.05.07},
  url       = {},

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