Kinetics of Elementary Reactions at Low Temperatures: Rate Constants for the Reactions of OH with HCl (298>T/K>138), CH4 (298>T/K>178) and C2H6 (298>T/K>138). Sharkey, P. & Smith, I., W., M. Journal of the Chemical Society Faraday Transactions, 89(4):631-638, 1993.
 title = {Kinetics of Elementary Reactions at Low Temperatures: Rate Constants for the Reactions of OH with HCl (298>T/K>138), CH4 (298>T/K>178) and C2H6 (298>T/K>138)},
 type = {article},
 year = {1993},
 pages = {631-638},
 volume = {89},
 id = {b39cbd73-9022-3ba0-87cf-a42933160f1f},
 created = {2015-05-08T02:31:46.000Z},
 file_attached = {false},
 profile_id = {f8c267c4-4c39-31dc-80fa-3a9691373386},
 group_id = {63e349d6-2c70-3938-9e67-2f6483f6cbab},
 last_modified = {2015-05-08T02:31:46.000Z},
 read = {false},
 starred = {false},
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 hidden = {false},
 source_type = {Journal Article},
 bibtype = {article},
 author = {Sharkey, P and Smith, I W M},
 journal = {Journal of the Chemical Society Faraday Transactions},
 number = {4}

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