Analyzing Program Dependencies in Java EE Applications. Shatnawi, A., Mili, H., El-Boussaidi, G., Boubaker, A., Guéhéneuc, Y., Moha, N., Privat, J., & Abdellatif, M. In Tan, L. & Hindle, A., editors, Proceedings of the 14<sup>th</sup> International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), pages 64–74, May, 2017. ACM Press. 10 pages.
Analyzing Program Dependencies in Java EE Applications [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Program dependency artifacts such as call graphs help support a number of software engineering tasks such as software mining, program understanding, debugging, feature location, software maintenance and evolution. Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) applications represent a significant part of the recent legacy applications, and we are interested in modernizing them. This modernization involves, among other things, analyzing dependencies between their various components/tiers. JEE applications tend to be multilanguage, rely on JEE container services, and make extensive use of late binding techniques-all of which makes finding such dependencies difficult. In this paper, we describe some of these difficulties and how we addressed them to build a dependency call graph. We developed our tool called DeJEE (Dependencies in JEE) as an Eclipse plug-in. We applied DeJEE on two open-source JEE applications: Java PetStore and JSP Blog. The results show that DeJEE is able to identify different types of JEE dependencies.

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