Betula Ashburneri - Version 2014.3. Shaw, K., Roy, S., & Wilson, B. In The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, pages 51207148/0+. 2014.
abstract   bibtex   
[Excerpt] This species has a fairly wide range, although it is restricted to high altitude areas. It is reported to be common across its range. There are no reported range wide threats impacting upon the survival of this species. It is therefore assessed as Least Concern. [::Range Description] This species is found in Bhutan and China. It occurs over a latitudinal distance of about 800 km from a western extremity in northern Bhutan (the only reported occurrence to the south of the Himalayan crest) through the region to the east and south east of Lhasa near Medrogonggar (Maizhokunggar), the Potrang La near Chusom (Qusum) and the area around the Yarlung Tsnangpo/Bramaputra bend on the slopes of Namche Barwa, to the Salween/Kiu Kiang divide and the Gaoligong Shan in northwest Yunnan to Zheduo near Kanding in west Sichuan in the east (China). In 2013 it was discovered to occur in northeast Arunachal Pradesh (Anjaw district),~Himalayas. The species is expected to be recognized across more of the Himalayas in the future, as in the past it has probably been recorded erroneously as a Betula utilis. [::Countries] Native:Bhutan; China (Sichuan, Tibet (or Xizang), Yunnan); India (Arunachal Pradesh) [::Population] This species is recently described and known only from a few localities. However, it is reported to be probably locally common. [::Habitat and Ecology] This species occurs as a shrub or shrubby tree from three up to 10 m in height, usually with a number of trunks diverging more or less horizontally from soil level. This species is found on steep mountain slopes, at the upper limit of the forest, sometimes with Betula utilis~or with Juniperus~sp. and in meadows by snow patches. In Tibet this species is a component of tree-line scrub with species of Salix, Deutzia, Spiraea, Lindera~and Schizandra, between the Rhododendron/Abies~forest (or, in drier regions, steppe vegetation) and alpine herbaceous vegetation. In the Arunachal Pradesh region it is common on the slopes above temperate forest, often forming dense thickets or copses alongside Abies, Acer, Rhododendron, Salix, Sorbus~and Vaccinium. Generally it occupies boulder slopes or riverside sites. Snow pressure causes a gnarled, twisted and multi-stemmed shape, in the cloud forest. [::Use and Trade] There is no information available on use or trade of this species. [::Major Threat(s)] The threats to this species are unknown.
  title = {Betula Ashburneri - {{Version}} 2014.3},
  booktitle = {The {{IUCN Red List}} of {{Threatened Species}}},
  author = {Shaw, K. and Roy, S. and Wilson, B.},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {51207148/0+},
  abstract = {[Excerpt] This species has a fairly wide range, although it is restricted to high altitude areas. It is reported to be common across its range. There are no reported range wide threats impacting upon the survival of this species. It is therefore assessed as Least Concern. [::Range Description] This species is found in Bhutan and China. It occurs over a latitudinal distance of about 800 km from a western extremity in northern Bhutan (the only reported occurrence to the south of the Himalayan crest) through the region to the east and south east of Lhasa near Medrogonggar (Maizhokunggar), the Potrang La near Chusom (Qusum) and the area around the Yarlung Tsnangpo/Bramaputra bend on the slopes of Namche Barwa, to the Salween/Kiu Kiang divide and the Gaoligong Shan in northwest Yunnan to Zheduo near Kanding in west Sichuan in the east (China). In 2013 it was discovered to occur in northeast Arunachal Pradesh (Anjaw district),~Himalayas. The species is expected to be recognized across more of the Himalayas in the future, as in the past it has probably been recorded erroneously as a Betula utilis. [::Countries] Native:Bhutan; China (Sichuan, Tibet (or Xizang), Yunnan); India (Arunachal Pradesh) [::Population] This species is recently described and known only from a few localities. However, it is reported to be probably locally common. [::Habitat and Ecology] This species occurs as a shrub or shrubby tree from three up to 10 m in height, usually with a number of trunks diverging more or less horizontally from soil level. This species is found on steep mountain slopes, at the upper limit of the forest, sometimes with Betula utilis~or with Juniperus~sp. and in meadows by snow patches. In Tibet this species is a component of tree-line scrub with species of Salix, Deutzia, Spiraea, Lindera~and Schizandra, between the Rhododendron/Abies~forest (or, in drier regions, steppe vegetation) and alpine herbaceous vegetation. In the Arunachal Pradesh region it is common on the slopes above temperate forest, often forming dense thickets or copses alongside Abies, Acer, Rhododendron, Salix, Sorbus~and Vaccinium. Generally it occupies boulder slopes or riverside sites. Snow pressure causes a gnarled, twisted and multi-stemmed shape, in the cloud forest. [::Use and Trade] There is no information available on use or trade of this species. [::Major Threat(s)] The threats to this species are unknown.},
  keywords = {*imported-from-citeulike-INRMM,~INRMM-MiD:c-13621311,betula-ashburneri,conservation,forest-resources,iucn,iucn-least-concern-lc},
  lccn = {INRMM-MiD:c-13621311}

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