Alnus Cordata - Version 2014.3. Shaw, K., Wilson, B., & Roy, S. In The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, pages 194657/0+. 2014.
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[Excerpt] This species has a limited natural range, but most of the range of this species occurs in protected areas. It also spreads readily and rapidly, and has become naturalised in much of Europe. It is therefore not considered to be threatened, however some threats have been identified, including; a reduction in clear cutting practices in protected areas which could have a negative impact on population growth, competition from other species, climate change at lower altitudes, and root rot caused by the pathogen Phytophthora alni. Active conservation management within protected areas and population studies are advised for this species, to ensure it does not become threatened in future. It is assessed as Least Concern. [::Common Name(s)] [::]English - Italian Alder, Alder of Corsica, Hartbladige Els [::]Spanish - Aliso [::Range Description] This species has a limited natural range. It is native to Corsica, southern Italy and northwest Albania.~It has become naturalised in Belgium, Spain and the Azores and is introduced in the UK. [::Countries] Native:Albania; France (Corsica); Italy (Italy (mainland)) Introduced:Belgium; Portugal (Azores); Spain (Spain (mainland)); United Kingdom [::Population] There is no detailed population information available for this species. [::Habitat and Ecology] This is a deciduous medium-sized tree growing to 17-25 m tall, although up to 28 m in favourable conditions. It is a very rigorous species and can grow over 15 m high in 20 years. It has grey-brown bark with numerous lenticles, the leaves are oval to rounded and serrated, glossy green on the upper side and with a few brown hairs on the underside. New leaves at the beginning of the season are orange-tinged. This species is monoecious, the male flowers are catkin-like and yellow green, the female flowers hang in clusters and are reddish green and very small. The fruit is cone-like, woody and reddish brown in colour, containing numerous small winged seeds.~This species is the least dependent upon permanent standing water in close proximity to its roots, compared to other Alnus species. It can be found in dry woodlands and lowland areas although it does prefer damp soils, in poorly drained areas and depressed sites where it can make dense thickets. It grows in semi-shade or no shade. The plant can tolerate maritime exposure. [::Use and Trade] This species is grown as an ornamental tree and produces valuable wood. The timber can be used for construction purposes in wet conditions as the wood is virtually resistant to decay under water. It has been used for foundation poles for houses and bridges in Venice.~The timber is also used for carving as well as for the production of moulding, furniture, panelling and plywood. It can also be used for firewood.~This species has a heavy leaf canopy and when the leaves fall in autumn they help to build up the humus content of the soil. For these reasons it has largely been utilised in central Italy for reforestation of badly drained and wet soils, and for agro-forestry purposes.~In recent decades,~this species~has been widely used in Italy as a shelter species for walnut (Juglans regia), wild cherry (Prunus avium) and other noble hardwoods in intensive forest tree-farming programmes. The pseudo-cones are used as Christmas floral ornaments. [::Major Threat(s)] This species~has a~limited natural range. It~can spread rapidly and natural regeneration occurs readily and rapidly in forest gaps, but the reduction of clear cutting in mixed forests and in protected areas can therefore have a negative impact on population growth.~Competition from other species also presents a threat.~Climate change may present a threat to parts of A. cordata distribution in lower altitudes, which could result in a loss of genetic diversity. Horticultural cultivation could also lead to a reduction in genetic diversity in new plantations if seeds are not selected from a wide number of trees.~It has been reported that this species is affected by Phytophthora alni,~causing root rot.~It is unknown to what extent this disease will affect this species in future, but it currently does not present a major threat.
  title = {Alnus Cordata - {{Version}} 2014.3},
  booktitle = {The {{IUCN Red List}} of {{Threatened Species}}},
  author = {Shaw, K. and Wilson, B. and Roy, S.},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {194657/0+},
  abstract = {[Excerpt] This species has a limited natural range, but most of the range of this species occurs in protected areas. It also spreads readily and rapidly, and has become naturalised in much of Europe. It is therefore not considered to be threatened, however some threats have been identified, including; a reduction in clear cutting practices in protected areas which could have a negative impact on population growth, competition from other species, climate change at lower altitudes, and root rot caused by the pathogen Phytophthora alni. Active conservation management within protected areas and population studies are advised for this species, to ensure it does not become threatened in future. It is assessed as Least Concern. [::Common Name(s)] [::]English - Italian Alder, Alder of Corsica, Hartbladige Els [::]Spanish - Aliso [::Range Description] This species has a limited natural range. It is native to Corsica, southern Italy and northwest Albania.~It has become naturalised in Belgium, Spain and the Azores and is introduced in the UK. [::Countries] Native:Albania; France (Corsica); Italy (Italy (mainland)) Introduced:Belgium; Portugal (Azores); Spain (Spain (mainland)); United Kingdom [::Population] There is no detailed population information available for this species. [::Habitat and Ecology] This is a deciduous medium-sized tree growing to 17-25 m tall, although up to 28 m in favourable conditions. It is a very rigorous species and can grow over 15 m high in 20 years. It has grey-brown bark with numerous lenticles, the leaves are oval to rounded and serrated, glossy green on the upper side and with a few brown hairs on the underside. New leaves at the beginning of the season are orange-tinged. This species is monoecious, the male flowers are catkin-like and yellow green, the female flowers hang in clusters and are reddish green and very small. The fruit is cone-like, woody and reddish brown in colour, containing numerous small winged seeds.~This species is the least dependent upon permanent standing water in close proximity to its roots, compared to other Alnus species. It can be found in dry woodlands and lowland areas although it does prefer damp soils, in poorly drained areas and depressed sites where it can make dense thickets. It grows in semi-shade or no shade. The plant can tolerate maritime exposure. [::Use and Trade] This species is grown as an ornamental tree and produces valuable wood. The timber can be used for construction purposes in wet conditions as the wood is virtually resistant to decay under water. It has been used for foundation poles for houses and bridges in Venice.~The timber is also used for carving as well as for the production of moulding, furniture, panelling and plywood. It can also be used for firewood.~This species has a heavy leaf canopy and when the leaves fall in autumn they help to build up the humus content of the soil. For these reasons it has largely been utilised in central Italy for reforestation of badly drained and wet soils, and for agro-forestry purposes.~In recent decades,~this species~has been widely used in Italy as a shelter species for walnut (Juglans regia), wild cherry (Prunus avium) and other noble hardwoods in intensive forest tree-farming programmes. The pseudo-cones are used as Christmas floral ornaments. [::Major Threat(s)] This species~has a~limited natural range. It~can spread rapidly and natural regeneration occurs readily and rapidly in forest gaps, but the reduction of clear cutting in mixed forests and in protected areas can therefore have a negative impact on population growth.~Competition from other species also presents a threat.~Climate change may present a threat to parts of A. cordata distribution in lower altitudes, which could result in a loss of genetic diversity. Horticultural cultivation could also lead to a reduction in genetic diversity in new plantations if seeds are not selected from a wide number of trees.~It has been reported that this species is affected by Phytophthora alni,~causing root rot.~It is unknown to what extent this disease will affect this species in future, but it currently does not present a major threat.},
  keywords = {*imported-from-citeulike-INRMM,~INRMM-MiD:c-13621302,alnus-cordata,conservation,forest-resources,iucn,iucn-least-concern-lc},
  lccn = {INRMM-MiD:c-13621302}

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