Cell-Cell Contact Area Affects Notch Signaling and Notch-Dependent Patterning. Shaya, O., Binshtok, U., Hersch, M., Rivkin, D., Weinreb, S., Amir-Zilberstein, L., Khamaisi, B., Oppenheim, O., Desai, R., A., Goodyear, R., J., Richardson, G., P., Chen, C., S., & Sprinzak, D. Developmental Cell, 40(5):505-511.e6, 3, 2017.
Cell-Cell Contact Area Affects Notch Signaling and Notch-Dependent Patterning [pdf]Paper  Cell-Cell Contact Area Affects Notch Signaling and Notch-Dependent Patterning [link]Website  bibtex   

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