Channel-adaptive complex K-best MIMO detection using lattice reduction. Sheikh, F., Szabo-Wexler, E., Rahman, M., Wang, W., Alexandrov, B., Yoon, D., Chun, A., & Alavi, H. In Proceedings of Signal Processing Systems (SiPS), pages 68-73, 2014.
Channel-adaptive complex K-best MIMO detection using lattice reduction [link]Paper  bibtex   
@inproceedings{ dblp2035490,
  title = {Channel-adaptive complex K-best MIMO detection using lattice reduction},
  author = {Farhana Sheikh and Elias Szabo-Wexler and Mehnaz Rahman and Wei Wang and Borislav Alexandrov and Dongmin Yoon and Anthony Chun and Hossein Alavi},
  author_short = {Sheikh, F. and Szabo-Wexler, E. and Rahman, M. and Wang, W. and Alexandrov, B. and Yoon, D. and Chun, A. and Alavi, H.},
  bibtype = {inproceedings},
  type = {inproceedings},
  year = {2014},
  key = {dblp2035490},
  id = {dblp2035490},
  biburl = {},
  url = {},
  conference = {SiPS},
  pages = {68-73},
  text = {SiPS 2014:68-73},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Signal Processing Systems (SiPS)}

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