Graphs with prescribed asymmetry and minimal number of edges. Shelah, S. In Infinite and finite sets (Colloq., Keszthely, 1973; dedicated to P. Erdős on his 60th birthday), volume 10 (III), of Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai, pages 1241–1256. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1975.
author = {Shelah, Saharon},
booktitle = {Infinite and finite sets (Colloq., Keszthely, 1973;
 dedicated to P. Erd\H{o}s on his 60th birthday)},
ams-subject = {(05C35)},
review = {MR 51:7944},
pages = {1241--1256},
publisher = {North-Holland, Amsterdam},
series = {Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai},
title = {{Graphs with prescribed asymmetry and minimal number of
volume = {10 (III)},
year = {1975},

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