Multi-Party Secret Key Agreement Over State-Dependent Wireless Broadcast Channels. Siavoshani, M. J., Mishra, S., Fragouli, C., & Diggavi, S. N IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 12(2):323–337, IEEE, 2017.
 author = {Siavoshani, Mahdi Jafari and Mishra, Shaunak and Fragouli, Christina and Diggavi, Suhas N},
 file = {:papers:siavoshani_secretkey.pdf},
 journal = {IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security},
 number = {2},
 pages = {323--337},
 publisher = {IEEE},
 tags = {journal,IT,WiNetSec},
 title = {Multi-Party Secret Key Agreement Over State-Dependent Wireless Broadcast Channels},
 type = {2},
 volume = {12},
 year = {2017}

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