Optimization of the cryogenic current comparator (CCC) for beam intensity measurement. Sieber, T., De Gersem, H., Golm, J., Fernandes, M., Jones, R., Kowina, P., Kurian, F., Marsic, N., Neubert, R., Reeg, H., Schmelz, M., Schmidl, F., Schwickert, M., Seidel, P., Soby, L., Stoehlker, T., Stolz, R., Tan, J., Tranquille, G., Tympel, V., Welsch, C., & Zakosarenko, V. In IBIC2017, pages 503–506, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, August, 2017.
doi  bibtex   
@InProceedings{   Sieber_2017aa,
  address       = {Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA},
  author        = {Sieber, Thomas and De Gersem, Herbert and Golm, J. and Fernandes, M. and Jones, R. and Kowina, P. and Kurian, Febin and Marsic, Nicolas and Neubert, Ralf and Reeg, H. and Schmelz, M. and Schmidl, F. and Schwickert, Marcus and Seidel, Paul and Soby, L. and Stoehlker, Thomas and Stolz, Ronny and Tan, J. and Tranquille, G. and Tympel, Volker and Welsch, C.P. and Zakosarenko, V.},
  booktitle     = {IBIC2017},
  doi           = {10.18429/jacow-ibic2017-th2ab3},
  file          = {Sieber_2017aa.pdf},
  isbn          = {978-3-95450-192-2},
  keywords      = {ccc},
  month         = aug,
  pages         = {503--506},
  title         = {Optimization of the cryogenic current comparator ({CCC}) for beam intensity measurement},
  year          = {2017}

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