Sentinel-2 Web platform for REDD$+$ monitoring. Simonetti, D., Marelli, A., Rodriguez, D., Veselin, V., Strobl, P., Burger, A., Soille, P., Achard, F., Eva, H., Stibig, H., & Beuchle, R. Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, 2017.
doi  bibtex   
@Book{		  simonetti-etal2017tr,
  author	= {Simonetti, D. and Marelli, A. and Rodriguez, D. and
		  Veselin, V. and Strobl, P. and Burger, A. and Soille, P.
		  and Achard, F. and Eva, H. and Stibig, H.-J. and Beuchle,
  title		= {Sentinel-2 {W}eb platform for {REDD$+$} monitoring},
  subtitle	= {Online web platform for browsing and processing
		  {S}entinel-2 data for forest cover monitoring over the
  publisher	= {Joint Research Centre of the European Commission},
  year		= {2017},
  doi		= {10.2760/790249},
  series	= {JRC Technical Report}

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