Can social robots function as models for children with ASD? An intervention study on joint attention skills. Simut, R., Krepel, N., Verspecht, S., , Cao, H., Vanderborght, B., & Vanderfaeillie, J. In HRI 2017: workshop Growing-Up Hand in Hand with Robots: Designing and Evaluating Child-Robot Interaction from a Developmental Perspective, 2017.
  author    = {Simut, Ramona and Krepel, Noralie and Verspecht, Shauni and and Cao, Hoang-Long and Vanderborght, Bram and Vanderfaeillie, Johan},
  title     = {Can social robots function as models for children with ASD? An intervention study on joint attention skills},
  booktitle = {HRI 2017: workshop Growing-Up Hand in Hand with Robots: Designing and Evaluating Child-Robot Interaction from a Developmental Perspective},
  year      = {2017},

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