Computational Analysis of Particle Nucleation in Dilution Tunnels: Effects of Flow Configuration and Tunnel Geometry. Singh, S., Adams, P., J., Misquita, A., Lee, K., J., Lipsky, E., M., & Robinson, A., L. Aerosol Science and Technology, 2014.
 title = {Computational Analysis of Particle Nucleation in Dilution Tunnels: Effects of Flow Configuration and Tunnel Geometry},
 type = {article},
 year = {2014},
 volume = {in press},
 id = {ef87da76-f5e1-3749-ae0f-3040c0503266},
 created = {2014-10-10T19:52:57.000Z},
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 last_modified = {2014-10-10T19:53:47.000Z},
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 citation_key = {Singh2014},
 source_type = {Journal Article},
 bibtype = {article},
 author = {Singh, S and Adams, P J and Misquita, A and Lee, K J and Lipsky, E M and Robinson, A L},
 journal = {Aerosol Science and Technology}

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