A STUDY OF POSTURALASSESSMENT ON TRIBAL & NON-TRIBAL OF CHHATTISGARH. Singh, M. & Deshmukh, Y. K. Indian Streams Research Journal, March, 2014.
Proper alignment of body and its segments is Posture. Balanced alignment provides a body appearance which when viewed from the side, is vertical rather than zigzag, the various body masses joining smoothly in symmetry. The erect position is maintained by a constant effort to overcome the force of gravity, which all the time tends to pull the body forward, but deviation from the alignment may cause various physical difficulties. Disproportion in height and weight, disturbance of physiological functions, nutritional faults and physical stresses on the growing skeleton all may affect the growth and development of a child. New York state posture rating test (1966) was used for the present study, in which all the 13 areas of the body were evaluated fewer than three profiles. The examinee stands on a line in front of screen and a plumb line is suspended just in front of the line. Total 207 subjects were selected for the present study, consisting of 107 (tribal) from various Vanvasi Ashram of C.G., 100 (non-tribal) from various schools of Raipur. For all the 13 categories scoring was distributed in three profiles which score as 5, 3 and 1. Descriptive analysis was done in computer program MS Excel. After analysis it was found that significant difference was found between the posture of tribal and non-tribal players and it was concluded that maximum number of players belonged to mark 55 to 60. However, when tribal and non-tribal were compared, non-tribal showed better posture position than tribal.

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