Impact of fires on spatial distribution patterns of the Hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni) in a heavily affected area in Bulgaria. Slavchev, M., Tzankov, N., & Popgeorgiev, G. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 20:135 – 138, National Centre for Agrarian Sciences, 2014. Cited by: 3
Impact of fires on spatial distribution patterns of the Hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni) in a heavily affected area in Bulgaria [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Fires are among the main threats for tortoises all over the world. Recently many territories over the country were burned. In April and August 2011 fires broke out in Pastrina Natura 2000 zone. The survey was carried for three years from 2011 to 2013. Habitats where specimens were encountered were reclassified to four classes of suitability - unsuitable, least suitable, suitable and optimal. The abundance (individuals per hectare) of tortoises was calculated for every each habitat. The territory affected by fires covered 69% of total study area. In both affected and control polygons the habitats distribution was displayed in a similar pattern. More specimens were found in affected polygon (60 individuals) versus non-affected (25 ind.). The species was found in only seven out of 19 habitat types. The fire affected 0.08% least suitable, 0.14% suitable but 62.19% optimal habitats in the total area. The overall abundance values are extremely low (up to 0.1ind./ha) and in all habitats this species is critically endangered. Species is very sensitive towards large-scale fires. Deciduous and especially oak forests are relatively resistant to fire and serve as refuges. © 2014, National Centre for Agrarian Sciences. All rights reserved.
	author = {Slavchev, M. and Tzankov, N. and Popgeorgiev, G.},
	title = {Impact of fires on spatial distribution patterns of the Hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni) in a heavily affected area in Bulgaria},
	year = {2014},
	journal = {Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science},
	volume = {20},
	pages = {135 – 138},
	url = {},
	affiliations = {Sofia University ’St. Kliment Ohridski’, Department of Anthropology and Zoology, Sofia, BG-1164, Bulgaria; BAS, National Museum of Natural History, Sofia, BG-1000, Bulgaria; Regional Natural History Museum, Plovdiv, BG-4000, Bulgaria},
	abstract = {Fires are among the main threats for tortoises all over the world. Recently many territories over the country were burned. In April and August 2011 fires broke out in Pastrina Natura 2000 zone. The survey was carried for three years from 2011 to 2013. Habitats where specimens were encountered were reclassified to four classes of suitability - unsuitable, least suitable, suitable and optimal. The abundance (individuals per hectare) of tortoises was calculated for every each habitat. The territory affected by fires covered 69% of total study area. In both affected and control polygons the habitats distribution was displayed in a similar pattern. More specimens were found in affected polygon (60 individuals) versus non-affected (25 ind.). The species was found in only seven out of 19 habitat types. The fire affected 0.08% least suitable, 0.14% suitable but 62.19% optimal habitats in the total area. The overall abundance values are extremely low (up to 0.1ind./ha) and in all habitats this species is critically endangered. Species is very sensitive towards large-scale fires. Deciduous and especially oak forests are relatively resistant to fire and serve as refuges. © 2014, National Centre for Agrarian Sciences. All rights reserved.},
	author_keywords = {Burned area; Habitats; NATURA 2000; Tortoises},
	publisher = {National Centre for Agrarian Sciences},
	issn = {13100351},
	language = {English},
	abbrev_source_title = {Bulg. J. Agric. Sci.},
	type = {Article},
	publication_stage = {Final},
	source = {Scopus},
	note = {Cited by: 3}

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