The impact of a network split on cascading failure processes. Sloothaak, F., Borst, S. C., & Zwart, B. arXiv:1711.04491 [physics], November, 2017. arXiv: 1711.04491
The impact of a network split on cascading failure processes [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Cascading failure models are typically used to capture the phenomenon where failures possibly trigger further failures in succession, causing knock-on effects. In many networks this ultimately leads to a disintegrated network where the failure propagation continues independently across the various components. In order to gain insight in the impact of network splitting on cascading failure processes, we extend a well-established cascading failure model for which the number of failures obeys a power-law distribution. We assume that a single line failure immediately splits the network in two components, and examine its effect on the power-law exponent. The results provide valuable qualitative insights that are crucial first steps towards understanding more complex network splitting scenarios.
	title = {The impact of a network split on cascading failure processes},
	url = {},
	abstract = {Cascading failure models are typically used to capture the phenomenon where failures possibly trigger further failures in succession, causing knock-on effects. In many networks this ultimately leads to a disintegrated network where the failure propagation continues independently across the various components. In order to gain insight in the impact of network splitting on cascading failure processes, we extend a well-established cascading failure model for which the number of failures obeys a power-law distribution. We assume that a single line failure immediately splits the network in two components, and examine its effect on the power-law exponent. The results provide valuable qualitative insights that are crucial first steps towards understanding more complex network splitting scenarios.},
	urldate = {2017-11-19},
	journal = {arXiv:1711.04491 [physics]},
	author = {Sloothaak, Fiona and Borst, Sem C. and Zwart, Bert},
	month = nov,
	year = {2017},
	note = {arXiv: 1711.04491},
	keywords = {collapse, infrastructures, systemic-risks},
	file = {Sloothaak et al. - 2017 - The impact of a network split on cascading failure.pdf:C\:\\Users\\rsrs\\Documents\\Zotero Database\\storage\\P733KHH5\\Sloothaak et al. - 2017 - The impact of a network split on cascading failure.pdf:application/pdf}

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