Wealth Distribution in Denmark in 1789. Soltow, L. 27(2):121–138.
Wealth Distribution in Denmark in 1789 [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Today a number of historians are prepared to regard the end of the eighteenth century as a revolutionary period not only in France, but in the whole of Europe as well. This is often linked with the American experience to demonstrate the universality of the ferment, and results in books with titles such as Revolutionary Europe 1783–1815,1 France and the Atlantic Revolution of tbe Eighteenth Century, 1770–1799,2 or simply, The Age of the Democratic Revolution, but subtitled A Political History 01 Europe and America, 1760–1800.3 Underlying the legal, political, social, and economic inequalities that had existed for generations, if not for centuries, was the maldistribution of resources. The disparities in wealth and income between socio-economic groups are prominently discussed as a vital factor leading to an explosive situation with respect to land reform.
  title = {Wealth {{Distribution}} in {{Denmark}} in 1789},
  author = {Soltow, Lee},
  date = {1979-07},
  journaltitle = {Scandinavian Economic History Review},
  volume = {27},
  number = {2},
  pages = {121--138},
  issn = {0358-5522},
  doi = {10.1080/03585522.1979.10415654},
  url = {http://doi.org/10.1080/03585522.1979.10415654},
  abstract = {Today a number of historians are prepared to regard the end of the eighteenth century as a revolutionary period not only in France, but in the whole of Europe as well. This is often linked with the American experience to demonstrate the universality of the ferment, and results in books with titles such as Revolutionary Europe 1783–1815,1 France and the Atlantic Revolution of tbe Eighteenth Century, 1770–1799,2 or simply, The Age of the Democratic Revolution, but subtitled A Political History 01 Europe and America, 1760–1800.3 Underlying the legal, political, social, and economic inequalities that had existed for generations, if not for centuries, was the maldistribution of resources. The disparities in wealth and income between socio-economic groups are prominently discussed as a vital factor leading to an explosive situation with respect to land reform.},
  file = {C\:\\Users\\lukis\\AppData\\Roaming\\Zotero\\Zotero\\Profiles\\h20ej2eu.default\\zotero\\storage\\2EXJ4BTA\\Soltow_1979_Wealth Distribution in Denmark in 1789.pdf}

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