Optimized Autonomous Space In-Situ Sensor-Web. Song, W., Shirazi, B., LaHusen, R., Kedar, S., Chien, S., Webb, F., Davies, A., Doubleday, J., & Tran, D. In Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, IN23D-01, San Francisco, CA, December, 2008.
	title        = {Optimized Autonomous Space In-Situ Sensor-Web},
	author       = {W. Song and B. Shirazi and R. LaHusen and S. Kedar and S. Chien and F. Webb and A. Davies and J. Doubleday and D. Tran},
	year         = 2008,
	month        = {December},
	booktitle    = {Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, IN23D-01},
	address      = {San Francisco, CA},
	project      = {sensorweb}

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