Engagement in help-seeking of dual diagnosed mothers at a low-threshold service: grasping life through co-created opportunities. Sorsa, A, M., Kiikkala, Irma, Åstedt-Kurki, & Päivi June, 2018.
Engagement in help-seeking of dual diagnosed mothers at a low-threshold service: grasping life through co-created opportunities. [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Advances in Dual Diagnosis; 06/01/2018(AN 129511579); ISSN: 17570972CINAHL Complete
	title = {Engagement in help-seeking of dual diagnosed mothers at a low-threshold service: grasping life through co-created opportunities.},
	copyright = {2016 EBSCO Information Services},
	url = {http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ccm&AN=129511579&site=ehost-live},
	abstract = {Advances in Dual Diagnosis; 06/01/2018(AN 129511579); ISSN: 17570972CINAHL Complete},
	author = {{Sorsa} and A, Minna and {Kiikkala} and {Irma} and {Åstedt-Kurki} and {Päivi}},
	month = jun,
	year = {2018},

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