Uncommon or cryptic? Challenges in estimating leopard seal abundance by conventional but state-of-the-art methods. Southwell, C., Paxton, C., Rogers, T., Borchers, D., Boveng, P., & de la Mare, W. Deep Sea Research Part I, 55:519–531, 2008.
  author = {Southwell, C. and Paxton, C.G.M. and Rogers, T. and Borchers, D.L.
	and Boveng, P. and de la Mare, W.K.},
  title = {Uncommon or cryptic? Challenges in estimating leopard seal abundance
	by conventional but state-of-the-art methods},
  journal = {Deep Sea Research Part I},
  year = {2008},
  volume = {55},
  pages = {519--531},
  file = {:Southwelletal2008b.pdf:PDF},
  owner = {Tiago},
  subdatabase = {distance},
  timestamp = {2009.02.18}

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