Revisiting Western Hudson Bay: Using aerial surveys to update polar bear abundance in a sentinel population. Stapleton, S., Atkinson, S., Hedman, D., & Garshelis, D. Biological Conservation, 170:38 - 47, 2014.
Revisiting Western Hudson Bay: Using aerial surveys to update polar bear abundance in a sentinel population [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
  author    = {Seth Stapleton and Stephen Atkinson and Daryll Hedman and David Garshelis},
  title     = {Revisiting Western Hudson Bay: Using aerial surveys to update polar bear abundance in a sentinel population},
  journal   = {Biological Conservation},
  year      = {2014},
  volume    = {170},
  pages     = {38 - 47},
  issn      = {0006-3207},
  doi       = {},
  url       = {},
  file      = {:Stapleton 2014 WHB population size _Biological Conservation.pdf:PDF},
  groups    = {PB SB paper},
  keywords  = {Abundance estimation},
  owner     = {Tiago Marques},
  timestamp = {2015.11.17},

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