Penetration behaviour of different hydrophobic carrier substances for oily wood preservatives in Beech and Scots pine sapwood. Starck, M., Gellerich, A., & Militz, H. In The International Research Group on Wood Protection, Ghent, Belgium, June, 2017.
doi  bibtex   
	address = {Ghent, Belgium},
	title = {Penetration behaviour of different hydrophobic carrier substances for oily wood preservatives in {Beech} and {Scots} pine sapwood},
	doi = {IRG/WP 17-40804},
	booktitle = {The {International} {Research} {Group} on {Wood} {Protection}},
	author = {Starck, M. and Gellerich, A. and Militz, H.},
	month = jun,
	year = {2017},
	file = {Starck et al. - Penetration behaviour of different hydrophobic car.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\JMYV7NIU\\Starck et al. - Penetration behaviour of different hydrophobic car.pdf:application/pdf},

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