Room temperature creep behaviour of ramming paste baked at different temperatures. St-Arnaud, P., Picard, D., Alamdari, H., Ziegler, D., & Fafard, M. In pages 1221 - 1226, San Diego, CA, United states, 2014. Aluminium electrolysis;Aluminium electrolysis cells;Baking temperature;Mechanical characterizations;Ramming pastes;Temperature creep;Thermo-mechanical;Uniaxial creep tests;
abstract   bibtex   
To simulate the thermo-mechanical behaviour of ramming paste in aluminium electrolysis cells, experimental data are required to feed 3D constitutive models. Both axial and radial strain measurements are necessary to design constitutive laws and to identify the parameters. However, radial strains are difficult to obtain at high temperature due to limitations of measuring devices. Moreover, samples need to be sufficiently large to acquire significant radial strain amplitude. Hence, the creep behaviour of ramming paste was studied at room temperature so the radial behaviour could then be extrapolated for the high temperature case using the axial strain evolution as a function of the temperature. Mechanical properties of ramming paste, baked at temperatures ranging from 250 °C to 1000 °C, were measured at room temperature. Uniaxial creep tests were performed at three different stress levels for each baking temperature. Copyright © 2014 by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
@inproceedings{20142017708363 ,
language = {English},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2023 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Room temperature creep behaviour of ramming paste baked at different temperatures},
journal = {TMS Light Metals},
author = {St-Arnaud, Pierre-Olivier and Picard, Donald and Alamdari, Houshang and Ziegler, Donald and Fafard, Mario},
year = {2014},
pages = {1221 - 1226},
issn = {01470809},
address = {San Diego, CA, United states},
abstract = {To simulate the thermo-mechanical behaviour of ramming paste in aluminium electrolysis cells, experimental data are required to feed 3D constitutive models. Both axial and radial strain measurements are necessary to design constitutive laws and to identify the parameters. However, radial strains are difficult to obtain at high temperature due to limitations of measuring devices. Moreover, samples need to be sufficiently large to acquire significant radial strain amplitude. Hence, the creep behaviour of ramming paste was studied at room temperature so the radial behaviour could then be extrapolated for the high temperature case using the axial strain evolution as a function of the temperature. Mechanical properties of ramming paste, baked at temperatures ranging from 250 &deg;C to 1000 &deg;C, were measured at room temperature. Uniaxial creep tests were performed at three different stress levels for each baking temperature. Copyright &copy; 2014 by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.<br/>},
key = {Room temperature},
keywords = {Electrolysis;Creep;Aluminum;Strain;},
note = {Aluminium electrolysis;Aluminium electrolysis cells;Baking temperature;Mechanical characterizations;Ramming pastes;Temperature creep;Thermo-mechanical;Uniaxial creep tests;},

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