General Relativity 1916–2016. Stefanov, A. & Giovanelli, M., editors 2017.
  year        = {2017},
  editor      = {Stefanov, Anguel and Marco Giovanelli},
  title       = {General Relativity 1916--2016},
  isbn        = {978-1-927763-46-9},
  location    = {Montreal},
  publisher   = {Minkowski Institute Press},
  titleaddon  = {Proceeding of the Fourth International Conference on the Nature and Ontology of Spacetime},
  addendums   = {Conference financed by the Minkowski Institute},
  file        = {:Giovanelli, Marco - Stefanov, Anguel - Proceeding of the Fourth International Conference on the Nature and Ontology of Spacetime.pdf:PDF},
  hyphenation = {english},
  keywords    = {book},

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