From a multiethnic empire to a nation of nations: Austro-Hungarian migrants in the US, 1870-1940. Steidl, A., Fischer-Nebmaier, W., & Oberly, J. W. StudienVerlag, Innsbruck, 2017.
	address = {Innsbruck},
	series = {Transatlantica ({Innsbruck}, {Austria})},
	title = {From a multiethnic empire to a nation of nations: {Austro}-{Hungarian} migrants in the {US}, 1870-1940},
	isbn = {978-3-7065-5477-0},
	shorttitle = {From a multiethnic empire to a nation of nations},
	number = {volume 10},
	publisher = {StudienVerlag},
	author = {Steidl, Annemarie and Fischer-Nebmaier, Wladimir and Oberly, James W.},
	year = {2017},

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