Mix'n'Match: Iteratively Combining Ontology Matchers in an Anytime Fashion. Steyskal, S. & Polleres, A. In 8th International Workshop on Ontology Matching, volume 111, of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Sydney, Australia, October, 2013. CEUR-WS.org. Extended version avaiable at: ˘rlhttp://www.steyskal.info/om2013/extendedversion.pdf
Mix'n'Match: Iteratively Combining Ontology Matchers in an Anytime Fashion [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
We present a novel architecture for combining off-the-shelf ontology matchers based on iterative calls and exchanging information in the form of reference alignments. Unfortunately though, only a few of the matchers contesting in the past years' OAEI campaigns actually allow the provision of reference alignments in the standard OAEI alignment format to support such a combined matching process. We bypass this lacking functionality by using simple URI replacement to ``emulate'' reference alignments in the aligned ontologies. While some matchers still consider classes and proper- ties in ontologies aligned in such fashion as different, we experimentally prove that our iterative approach benefits from this emulation, achieving the best results in terms of F-measure on parts of the OAEI benchmark suite, compared to the single results of the competing matchers as well as their combined results. The new combined matcher – Mix'n'Match – integrates different matchers in a multi-threaded architecture and pro- vides an anytime behavior in the sense that it can be stopped anytime with the best combined matchings found so far

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