Two near identical oxylipins from the diatom Chaetoceros karianus show isoform-specific agonist activity towards human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). Sæther, T., Moldes-Anaya, A., Norrheim-Larsen, L., Larsen, T., Paulsen, S. M, & Nebb, H. I. In Throne Holst Symposium, 2014.
	Author = {S{æ}ther, Thomas and Moldes-Anaya, Angel and Norrheim-Larsen, Laila and Larsen, Terje and Paulsen, Steinar M and Nebb, Hilde Irene},
	Booktitle = {Throne {Holst} {Symposium}},
	Title = {Two near identical oxylipins from the diatom {Chaetoceros} karianus show isoform-specific agonist activity towards human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors ({PPARs})},
	Year = {2014}}

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