What can you do with half a parser?. St. Laurent, S. In
abstract   bibtex   
While most developers are happy parsing their XML with off-the-shelf parsers and working with fully-cooked results, there are times when developers need a little more control over their document processing. While XML is text, applying text processing tools directly to XML has some serious drawbacks. This presentation will explore the possibilities offered by a combination of XML parsing for context with text processing to manipulate that content.
@inproceedings{ stl03,
  crossref = {xmleu2003},
  author = {Simon {St. Laurent}},
  title = {What can you do with half a parser?},
  uri = {http://www.idealliance.org/papers/dx_xmle03/index/title/de8ee1185a9079269f648ace8d.html},
  topic = {xml[0.7]},
  abstract = {While most developers are happy parsing their XML with off-the-shelf parsers and working with fully-cooked results, there are times when developers need a little more control over their document processing. While XML is text, applying text processing tools directly to XML has some serious drawbacks. This presentation will explore the possibilities offered by a combination of XML parsing for context with text processing to manipulate that content.}

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