Theology and the church. Stăniloae, D. StVladimir's Seminary Press, Crestwood, N.Y., 1980.
	address = {Crestwood, N.Y.},
	title = {Theology and the church},
	isbn = {978-0-913836-69-9},
	language = {eng;rum},
	publisher = {StVladimir's Seminary Press},
	author = {Stăniloae, Dumitru.},
	year = {1980},
	keywords = {Biserica Ortodoxă Română., Christian theology, Church of Rumania, Eglise orthodoxe roumaine, Orthodox Eastern Church, Romanian, Ortodox Román Egyház, Patriarhia Română, R.O.C., ROC, Romanian Orthodox Church, Romanian Orthodox Eastern Church, Romanian Orthodox Patriarchate, Romanian Patriarchate, Rumänische Orthodoxe Kirche, Theology 19th century, Theology 20th century, Theology 20th century., Theology, Christian},

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