Let me tell you! Investigating the Effects of Robot Communication Strategies in Advice-Giving Situations based on Robot Appearance, Interaction Modality, and Distance. Strait, M., Canning, C., & Scheutz, M. In Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), pages 479–486, 2014.
title		= {Let me tell you! Investigating the Effects of Robot Communication Strategies in Advice-Giving Situations based on Robot Appearance, Interaction Modality, and Distance},
author		= {Megan Strait and Cody Canning and Matthias Scheutz},
booktitle	= {Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)},
year		= {2014},
pages		= {479--486},
link		= {http://hrilab.tufts.edu/publications/straitetal14hri.pdf},

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