Keep your nice friends close, but your rich friends closer - Computation offloading using NFC. Sucipto, K., Chatzopoulos, D., Kosta, S., & Hui, P. In 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, INFOCOM 2017, Atlanta, GA, USA, May 1-4, 2017, pages 1–9, 2017. IEEE.
Keep your nice friends close, but your rich friends closer - Computation offloading using NFC [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
  author    = {Kathleen Sucipto and
               Dimitris Chatzopoulos and
               Sokol Kosta and
               Pan Hui},
  title     = {Keep your nice friends close, but your rich friends closer - Computation
               offloading using {NFC}},
  booktitle = {2017 {IEEE} Conference on Computer Communications, {INFOCOM} 2017,
               Atlanta, GA, USA, May 1-4, 2017},
  pages     = {1--9},
  publisher = {{IEEE}},
  year      = {2017},
  url       = {},
  doi       = {10.1109/INFOCOM.2017.8057147},
  timestamp = {Wed, 16 Oct 2019 14:14:51 +0200},
  biburl    = {},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}

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