Integration of Artificial Neural Networks and Dynamic Concepts to an Adaptive and Self-organizing Agent. Szepesvári, C. & Lörincz, A. In Gielen, S. & Kappen, B., editors, ICANN, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 09, 1993. Springer-Verlag, London.
	address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
	author = {Szepesv{\'a}ri, Cs. and L{\"o}rincz, A.},
	booktitle = {ICANN},
	editor = {Gielen, S. and Kappen, B.},
	keywords = {agent architecture, reinforcement learning},
	month = {09},
	publisher = {Springer-Verlag, London},
	title = {Integration of Artificial Neural Networks and Dynamic Concepts to an Adaptive and Self-organizing Agent},
	year = {1993}}

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