Circulation, sediment concentration, and oxygen depletion in the tidal Ems River. Talke, S. A. & de Swart, H.<nbsp>E. In Heip, C. & Laane, R., editors, Aspects of coastal research in contribution to LOICZ in the Netherlands and Flanders (2002-2010), pages 42-48. Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, 2011. LOICZ R\&S Report No. 38bibtex @incollection{ TalkedeSwart2011,
author = {S. A. Talke and H. E. de Swart},
booktitle = {Aspects of coastal research in contribution to {LOICZ} in the {N}etherlands and {F}landers (2002-2010)},
editor = {C. Heip and R. Laane},
note = {LOICZ R\&S Report No. 38},
pages = {42-48},
publisher = {Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht},
title = {Circulation, sediment concentration, and oxygen depletion in the tidal {E}ms {R}iver},
year = {2011}