Volumetric Analysis of Subduction History using Global Plate Kinematic Models. Talsma, A., Heine, C., Quevedo, L., Müller, & Dietmar, R. 04-09. September 2011.
@conference{ Talsma.FragileEarth.11,
  address = {Munich, Germany},
  author = {Talsma, Aedon and Heine, Christian and Quevedo, Leonardo and Müller, R. Dietmar},
  booktitle = {DGG/GV/GSA Conference "Fragile Earth"},
  date-added = {2011-12-01 15:42:02 +1100},
  date-modified = {2012-01-12 10:15:38 +1100},
  groups = {Poster},
  month = {04-09. September},
  project = {ARC Linkage},
  title = {{Volumetric Analysis of Subduction History using Global Plate Kinematic Models}},
  year = {2011}

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