Equivalence between an approximate version of Brouwer's fixed point theorem and Sperner's lemma: a constructive analysis. Tanaka, Y. Appl. Math. E-Notes, 11:238–243, 2011.
  author = {Tanaka, Yasuhito},
  title = {Equivalence between an approximate version of {B}rouwer's fixed point
	theorem and {S}perner's lemma: a constructive analysis},
  journal = {Appl. Math. E-Notes},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {11},
  pages = {238--243},
  fjournal = {Applied Mathematics E-Notes},
  issn = {1607-2510},
  keywords = {bib,con},
  mrclass = {03F60 (26E40 54H25)},
  mrnumber = {2844432 (2012i:03176)},
  owner = {Vasco},
  timestamp = {2013.12.01}

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