A general strategy for the design of new solid catalysts for environmentally benign conversions: Solid catalysts for benign conversions. Thomas, M, J., Hernandez-Garrido, C, J., Bell, & G, R. Topics in Catalysis, 52(12):1630--1639, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ, United Kingdom, 2009.
Paper abstract bibtex After first outlining in qualitative terms progress made in predicting and modelling solids in general, a brief account is given of the substantial progress made in enumerating hypothetical open structures based on 4-coordinantion, some of which will possibly play a role in the catalytic conversion of carbohydrates that figure eminently in renewable feedstocks. Specifically, in outlining trends in processing renewable organic species, attention is paid to (i) converting starch into potentially important new fuels; (ii) the catalytic dehydration of bio-ethanol to yield ethylene; and (iii) catalytically assisted modifications that can be made to bio-glycerol, especially via oxidation. Finally, progress made in a general strategy for the design of new catalysts is outlined, and a tabulation given of a dozen or so examples that have high commercial significance. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009.
@article{ Thomas2009,
abstract = {After first outlining in qualitative terms progress made in predicting and modelling solids in general, a brief account is given of the substantial progress made in enumerating hypothetical open structures based on 4-coordinantion, some of which will possibly play a role in the catalytic conversion of carbohydrates that figure eminently in renewable feedstocks. Specifically, in outlining trends in processing renewable organic species, attention is paid to (i) converting starch into potentially important new fuels; (ii) the catalytic dehydration of bio-ethanol to yield ethylene; and (iii) catalytically assisted modifications that can be made to bio-glycerol, especially via oxidation. Finally, progress made in a general strategy for the design of new catalysts is outlined, and a tabulation given of a dozen or so examples that have high commercial significance. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009.},
address = {Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ, United Kingdom},
annote = {Cited By (since 1996): 11
Export Date: 15 January 2013
Source: Scopus
doi: 10.1007/s11244-009-9302-5
Language of Original Document: English
Correspondence Address: Thomas, J. M.; Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ, United Kingdom; email: jmt2@cam.ac.uk
References: Whitesides, G.M., Crabtree, G.W., (2007) Science., 315, p. 796;
Thomas, J.M., Raja, R., (2006) Top Catal., 40, p. 3;
Thomas, J.M., (2008) J Chem Phys., 120, p. 182502;
Thomas, J.M., Raja, R., Lewis, D.W., (2005) Angew Chem Int Edit., 44, p. 6456;
Schloegl, R., (1994) Angew Chem Int Ed., 33, p. 311;
Thomas, J.M., Zamaraev, K.I., (1994) Angew Chem Int Edit., 33, p. 308;
Notari, B., (1994) Adv Catalysis., 41, p. 253;
Ballantine, J.A., Purnell, J.H., Thomas, J.M., (1984) Molec Catal., 27, p. 157;
Ballantine, J.A., Purnell, J.H., Thomas, J.M., (1985) US Patent 4,999,319.;
Thomas, J.M., Zamaraev, K.I., (1992) Perspectives in Catalysis., , Blackwell-IUPAC, North Carolina;
Woodley, S.M., Catlow, R., (2008) Nature Materials., 7, p. 937;
Catlow, C.R.A., Thomas, J.M., Parker, S.C., Jefferson, D.A., (1982) Nature., 295, p. 658;
Parker, S.C., (1983) Solid State Ionics., 8, p. 179;
Catlow, C.R.A., Thomas, J.M., Freeman, C.M., Wright, P.A., Bell, R.G., (1993) Proc R Soc Lond A., 442, p. 85;
Thomas, J.M., (1999) Angew Chem Int Edit., 38, p. 3588;
Thomas, J.M., Klinowski, J., (2007) Angew Chem Int Edit., 46, p. 7160;
Majda, D., Paz, F.A.A., Friedrichs, D., Foster, M.D., Simperler, A., Bell, R.G., Klinowski, J., (2008) J Phys Chem C., 112, p. 1040;
Kirkpatrick, S., Gelatt, J.C.D., Vecchi, M.P., (1983) Science., 220, p. 671;
Harris, K.D.M., Habershorn, S., Cheung, E.Y., Johnson, R.L., (2004) Z Krystallogra., 219, p. 838;
Treacy, M.M.J., Randall, K.H., Rao, S., Perry, J.A., Chadi, D.J., (1997) Z Krystallogr., 212, p. 768;
Foster, M.D., Simperler, A., Bell, R.G., Delgado Friedrichs, O., Almeida Paz, F.A., Klinowski, J., (2004) Nature Materials., 3, p. 234;
Hofmann, D.W.M., Apostolakis, J., (2003) J Molec Struc., 647, p. 17;
Price, S.L., (2008) Phys Chem Chem Phys., 10, p. 1996;
Jansen, M., (2008) Turning Points in Solid-State, Materials Science and Surface Chemistry., p. 22. , RSC Publising, Cambridge;
Čančareví{c}, Ž.P., Scḧ{o}n, J.C., Jansen, M., (2008) Chem Asian J., 3, p. 561;
Smith, K., Zhenhua, Z., Hodgson, P.K.G., (1998) J Mol Catal A: Chemical., 134, p. 121;
Smith, K., Almeer, S., Black, S.J., (2000) Chem Commun., 17, p. 1571;
Thomas, J.M., Hernandez-Garrido, J.C., Raja, R., Bell, R.G., (2009) Phys Chem Chem Phys., , (in press);
Arnold, F.H., (1998) Acc Chem Res., 31, p. 125;
Horv́{a}th, I.T., Mehdi, H., F́{a}bos, V., Boda, L., Mika, L.T., (2008) Green Chem, 10, p. 238;
Roḿ{a}n-Leshkov, Y., Barrett, C.J., Liu, Z.Y., Dumesic, J.A., (2007) Nature, 447, p. 982;
Thomas, J.M., Raja, R., Johnson, B.F.G., O'Connell, T.J., Sankar, G., Khimyak, T., (2003) Chem Commun, 10, p. 1126;
Editor's, Choice., (2003) Science, 300, p. 867;
Svelle, S., Olsbye, U., Joensen, F., Bjø rgen, M., (2007) J Phys Chem C, 111, p. 17981;
Xu, Y., Grey, C.P., Thomas, J.M., Cheetham, A.K., (1990) Cat Lett, 4, p. 251;
Raja, R., Potter, M.E., Paterson, A.J., Lefenfeld, M., Thomas, J.M., (2009), (submitted)Zhou, C.-H., Beltramini, J.N., Fana, Y.-X., Lu, G.Q., (2008) Chem Soc Rev, 37, p. 527;
Glycerol, (2001) Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, , John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York;
Wang, Z.Z.J., Zhuge, J., Fang, H., Prior, B.A., (2001) Biotechnol Adv, 19, p. 201;
Chowdury, J., Fouky, K., (1993) Chem Eng, 100, p. 35;
Karaosmanoglu, F., Cigizoglu, K.B., Tuter, M., Ertekin, S., (1996) Energy Fuels, 10, p. 890;
Meher, L.C., Vidya Sagar, D., Naik, S.N., (2006) Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev, 10, p. 248;
McCoy, M., (2006) Chem Eng News, 84, p. 7;
Wilson, E.K., (2002) Chem Eng News, 80, p. 46;
Bagley, S.T., Gratz, L.D., Johnson, J.H., McDonald, J.F., (1998) Environ Sci Technol, 32, p. 1183;
Frondel, M., Peters, J., (2007) Energy Policy, 35, p. 1675;
Gong, C.S., Du, J.X., Cao, N.J., Tsao, G.T., (2000) Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 84, p. 543;
Rogers, P.L., Jeon, Y.J., Svenson, C.J., (2005) Process Saf Environ Prot, 83, p. 499;
Wyman, C.E., (2003) Biotechnol Prog, 19, p. 254;
Landucci, R., Goodman, B.J., Wyman, C.E., (1994) Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 45-46, p. 677;
Aresta, M., Dibenedetto, A., Carone, M., Colonna, T., Fragale, C., (2005) Environ Chem Lett, 3, p. 136;
Chiu, C.W., Goff, M.J., Suppes, G.J., (2005) AIChE J, 51, p. 1274;
Bournay, L., Casanave, D., Delfort, B., Hillion, G., Chodorge, J.A., (2005) Catal Today, 106, p. 190;
Christensen, C.H., Raas-Hansen, J., Marsden, C.C., Taarning, E., Egeblad, K., (2008) Chem Sus Chem, 1, p. 283;
Prati, L., Spontoni, P., Gaiassi, A., (2009) Top Catal, , (in press);
Thomas, J.M., Raja, R., (2006) Catal Today, 117, p. 22;
Raja, R., Thomas, J.M., Xu, M., Harris, K.D.M., Greenhill-Hooper, M., Quill, K., (2006) Chem Commun, 4, p. 448;
Dugal, M., Sankar, G., Raja, R., Thomas, J.M., (2000) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 39, pp. 2310-2313;
Raja, R., Sankar, G., Thomas, J.M., (2000) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 39, pp. 2313-2316;
Raja, R., Thomas, J.M., (1998) Chem Soc Chem J., 17, pp. 1841-1842. , Commun;
Thomas, J.M., Raja, R., Sankar, G., Bell, R.G., (1999) Nature, 398, pp. 227-230;
Raja, R., (2007) Turning Points in Solid-State, Materials and Surface Science, pp. 623-638. , Harris KDM and Edwards P (eds), RSC Publishing, London;
Raja, R., Thomas, J.M., Dreyer, V., (2006) Catal Lett, 110, pp. 179-183;
Thomas, J.M., Raja, R., (2005) Proc Natl Acad Sci, 102, pp. 13732-13736;
Raja, R., Thomas, J.M., Greenhill-Hooper, M., Ley, S.V., Paz, F.A.A., (2008) Chem Eur J, 14, pp. 2340-2348;
Raja, R., Thomas, J.M., Greenhill-Hooper, M., Doukova, V., (2007) Chem Commun, pp. 1924-1926;
Raja, R., Thomas, J.M., Xu, M., Harris, K.D.M., Greenhill-Hooper, M., Quill, (2006) Chem Commun, pp. 448-450;
Raja, R., Thomas, J.M., Jones, M.D., Johnson, B.F.G., Vaughan, D.E.W., (2003) J Am Chem Soc, 125, pp. 14982-14983;
Jones, M.D., Raja, R., Thomas, J.M., Rouzard, J., Johnson, B.F.G., Harris, K.D.M., (2003) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 42, pp. 4326-4331;
Thomas, J.M., Raja, R., (2008) Acc Chem Res, 41, pp. 708-720;
Adams, R.D., Blom, D.A., Captain, B., Raja, R., Thomas, J.M., Trufan, E., (2008) Langmuir, 24, pp. 9223-9226;
Hungria, A.B., Raja, R., Adams, R.D., Captain, B., Thomas, J.M., Midgley, P.A., Golovko, V.B., Johnson, B.F.G., (2006) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 45, pp. 4782-4785;
Chen, J., Thomas, J.M., (1994) Chem Commun, p. 603;
Thomas, J.M., Hernandez-Garrido, J.C., Raja, R., Bell, R.G., (2009) Phys Chem Chem Phys, 11, pp. 2799-2825;
Raja, R., Adams, R.D., Blom, D.A., Pearl, W.C., Gianotti, E., Thomas, J.M., (2009) Langmuir, p. 25. , (in press)},
author = {Thomas, J M and Hernandez-Garrido, J C and Bell, R G},
issn = {10225528 (ISSN)},
journal = {Topics in Catalysis},
keywords = {Biodiesel,Bioglycerol,Carbohydrates,Catalysts,Catalytic oxidation,Dehydration,Design,Design of catalysts,Ethanol,Ethanol fuels,Ethanol to ethylene,Ethylene,Feedstocks,Forecasting,Glycerol,Open structures,Renewable feedstocks,Solid acid catalysts,Starch,Structure prediction},
number = {12},
pages = {1630--1639},
title = {{A general strategy for the design of new solid catalysts for environmentally benign conversions: Solid catalysts for benign conversions}},
url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-68849089849&partnerID=40&md5=252874206ac4fca1bd23baadc44b017d},
volume = {52},
year = {2009}
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Specifically, in outlining trends in processing renewable organic species, attention is paid to (i) converting starch into potentially important new fuels; (ii) the catalytic dehydration of bio-ethanol to yield ethylene; and (iii) catalytically assisted modifications that can be made to bio-glycerol, especially via oxidation. Finally, progress made in a general strategy for the design of new catalysts is outlined, and a tabulation given of a dozen or so examples that have high commercial significance. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009.},\n address = {Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ, United Kingdom},\n annote = {Cited By (since 1996): 11\n\n \nExport Date: 15 January 2013\n\n \nSource: Scopus\n\n \ndoi: 10.1007/s11244-009-9302-5\n\n \nLanguage of Original Document: English\n\n \nCorrespondence Address: Thomas, J. M.; Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ, United Kingdom; email: jmt2@cam.ac.uk\n\n \nReferences: Whitesides, G.M., Crabtree, G.W., (2007) Science., 315, p. 796; \nThomas, J.M., Raja, R., (2006) Top Catal., 40, p. 3; \nThomas, J.M., (2008) J Chem Phys., 120, p. 182502; \nThomas, J.M., Raja, R., Lewis, D.W., (2005) Angew Chem Int Edit., 44, p. 6456; \nSchloegl, R., (1994) Angew Chem Int Ed., 33, p. 311; \nThomas, J.M., Zamaraev, K.I., (1994) Angew Chem Int Edit., 33, p. 308; \nNotari, B., (1994) Adv Catalysis., 41, p. 253; \nBallantine, J.A., Purnell, J.H., Thomas, J.M., (1984) Molec Catal., 27, p. 157; \nBallantine, J.A., Purnell, J.H., Thomas, J.M., (1985) US Patent 4,999,319.; \nThomas, J.M., Zamaraev, K.I., (1992) Perspectives in Catalysis., , Blackwell-IUPAC, North Carolina; \nWoodley, S.M., Catlow, R., (2008) Nature Materials., 7, p. 937; \nCatlow, C.R.A., Thomas, J.M., Parker, S.C., Jefferson, D.A., (1982) Nature., 295, p. 658; \nParker, S.C., (1983) Solid State Ionics., 8, p. 179; \nCatlow, C.R.A., Thomas, J.M., Freeman, C.M., Wright, P.A., Bell, R.G., (1993) Proc R Soc Lond A., 442, p. 85; \nThomas, J.M., (1999) Angew Chem Int Edit., 38, p. 3588; \nThomas, J.M., Klinowski, J., (2007) Angew Chem Int Edit., 46, p. 7160; \nMajda, D., Paz, F.A.A., Friedrichs, D., Foster, M.D., Simperler, A., Bell, R.G., Klinowski, J., (2008) J Phys Chem C., 112, p. 1040; \nKirkpatrick, S., Gelatt, J.C.D., Vecchi, M.P., (1983) Science., 220, p. 671; \nHarris, K.D.M., Habershorn, S., Cheung, E.Y., Johnson, R.L., (2004) Z Krystallogra., 219, p. 838; \nTreacy, M.M.J., Randall, K.H., Rao, S., Perry, J.A., Chadi, D.J., (1997) Z Krystallogr., 212, p. 768; \nFoster, M.D., Simperler, A., Bell, R.G., Delgado Friedrichs, O., Almeida Paz, F.A., Klinowski, J., (2004) Nature Materials., 3, p. 234; \nHofmann, D.W.M., Apostolakis, J., (2003) J Molec Struc., 647, p. 17; \nPrice, S.L., (2008) Phys Chem Chem Phys., 10, p. 1996; \nJansen, M., (2008) Turning Points in Solid-State, Materials Science and Surface Chemistry., p. 22. , RSC Publising, Cambridge; \nČančareví{c}, Ž.P., Scḧ{o}n, J.C., Jansen, M., (2008) Chem Asian J., 3, p. 561; \nSmith, K., Zhenhua, Z., Hodgson, P.K.G., (1998) J Mol Catal A: Chemical., 134, p. 121; \nSmith, K., Almeer, S., Black, S.J., (2000) Chem Commun., 17, p. 1571; \nThomas, J.M., Hernandez-Garrido, J.C., Raja, R., Bell, R.G., (2009) Phys Chem Chem Phys., , (in press); \nArnold, F.H., (1998) Acc Chem Res., 31, p. 125; \nHorv́{a}th, I.T., Mehdi, H., F́{a}bos, V., Boda, L., Mika, L.T., (2008) Green Chem, 10, p. 238; \nRoḿ{a}n-Leshkov, Y., Barrett, C.J., Liu, Z.Y., Dumesic, J.A., (2007) Nature, 447, p. 982; \nThomas, J.M., Raja, R., Johnson, B.F.G., O'Connell, T.J., Sankar, G., Khimyak, T., (2003) Chem Commun, 10, p. 1126; \nEditor's, Choice., (2003) Science, 300, p. 867; \nSvelle, S., Olsbye, U., Joensen, F., Bjø rgen, M., (2007) J Phys Chem C, 111, p. 17981; \nXu, Y., Grey, C.P., Thomas, J.M., Cheetham, A.K., (1990) Cat Lett, 4, p. 251; \nRaja, R., Potter, M.E., Paterson, A.J., Lefenfeld, M., Thomas, J.M., (2009), (submitted)Zhou, C.-H., Beltramini, J.N., Fana, Y.-X., Lu, G.Q., (2008) Chem Soc Rev, 37, p. 527; \nGlycerol, (2001) Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, , John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York; \nWang, Z.Z.J., Zhuge, J., Fang, H., Prior, B.A., (2001) Biotechnol Adv, 19, p. 201; \nChowdury, J., Fouky, K., (1993) Chem Eng, 100, p. 35; \nKaraosmanoglu, F., Cigizoglu, K.B., Tuter, M., Ertekin, S., (1996) Energy Fuels, 10, p. 890; \nMeher, L.C., Vidya Sagar, D., Naik, S.N., (2006) Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev, 10, p. 248; \nMcCoy, M., (2006) Chem Eng News, 84, p. 7; \nWilson, E.K., (2002) Chem Eng News, 80, p. 46; \nBagley, S.T., Gratz, L.D., Johnson, J.H., McDonald, J.F., (1998) Environ Sci Technol, 32, p. 1183; \nFrondel, M., Peters, J., (2007) Energy Policy, 35, p. 1675; \nGong, C.S., Du, J.X., Cao, N.J., Tsao, G.T., (2000) Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 84, p. 543; \nRogers, P.L., Jeon, Y.J., Svenson, C.J., (2005) Process Saf Environ Prot, 83, p. 499; \nWyman, C.E., (2003) Biotechnol Prog, 19, p. 254; \nLanducci, R., Goodman, B.J., Wyman, C.E., (1994) Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 45-46, p. 677; \nAresta, M., Dibenedetto, A., Carone, M., Colonna, T., Fragale, C., (2005) Environ Chem Lett, 3, p. 136; \nChiu, C.W., Goff, M.J., Suppes, G.J., (2005) AIChE J, 51, p. 1274; \nBournay, L., Casanave, D., Delfort, B., Hillion, G., Chodorge, J.A., (2005) Catal Today, 106, p. 190; \nChristensen, C.H., Raas-Hansen, J., Marsden, C.C., Taarning, E., Egeblad, K., (2008) Chem Sus Chem, 1, p. 283; \nPrati, L., Spontoni, P., Gaiassi, A., (2009) Top Catal, , (in press); \nThomas, J.M., Raja, R., (2006) Catal Today, 117, p. 22; \nRaja, R., Thomas, J.M., Xu, M., Harris, K.D.M., Greenhill-Hooper, M., Quill, K., (2006) Chem Commun, 4, p. 448; \nDugal, M., Sankar, G., Raja, R., Thomas, J.M., (2000) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 39, pp. 2310-2313; \nRaja, R., Sankar, G., Thomas, J.M., (2000) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 39, pp. 2313-2316; \nRaja, R., Thomas, J.M., (1998) Chem Soc Chem J., 17, pp. 1841-1842. , Commun; \nThomas, J.M., Raja, R., Sankar, G., Bell, R.G., (1999) Nature, 398, pp. 227-230; \nRaja, R., (2007) Turning Points in Solid-State, Materials and Surface Science, pp. 623-638. , Harris KDM and Edwards P (eds), RSC Publishing, London; \nRaja, R., Thomas, J.M., Dreyer, V., (2006) Catal Lett, 110, pp. 179-183; \nThomas, J.M., Raja, R., (2005) Proc Natl Acad Sci, 102, pp. 13732-13736; \nRaja, R., Thomas, J.M., Greenhill-Hooper, M., Ley, S.V., Paz, F.A.A., (2008) Chem Eur J, 14, pp. 2340-2348; \nRaja, R., Thomas, J.M., Greenhill-Hooper, M., Doukova, V., (2007) Chem Commun, pp. 1924-1926; \nRaja, R., Thomas, J.M., Xu, M., Harris, K.D.M., Greenhill-Hooper, M., Quill, (2006) Chem Commun, pp. 448-450; \nRaja, R., Thomas, J.M., Jones, M.D., Johnson, B.F.G., Vaughan, D.E.W., (2003) J Am Chem Soc, 125, pp. 14982-14983; \nJones, M.D., Raja, R., Thomas, J.M., Rouzard, J., Johnson, B.F.G., Harris, K.D.M., (2003) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 42, pp. 4326-4331; \nThomas, J.M., Raja, R., (2008) Acc Chem Res, 41, pp. 708-720; \nAdams, R.D., Blom, D.A., Captain, B., Raja, R., Thomas, J.M., Trufan, E., (2008) Langmuir, 24, pp. 9223-9226; \nHungria, A.B., Raja, R., Adams, R.D., Captain, B., Thomas, J.M., Midgley, P.A., Golovko, V.B., Johnson, B.F.G., (2006) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 45, pp. 4782-4785; \nChen, J., Thomas, J.M., (1994) Chem Commun, p. 603; \nThomas, J.M., Hernandez-Garrido, J.C., Raja, R., Bell, R.G., (2009) Phys Chem Chem Phys, 11, pp. 2799-2825; \nRaja, R., Adams, R.D., Blom, D.A., Pearl, W.C., Gianotti, E., Thomas, J.M., (2009) Langmuir, p. 25. , (in press)},\n author = {Thomas, J M and Hernandez-Garrido, J C and Bell, R G},\n issn = {10225528 (ISSN)},\n journal = {Topics in Catalysis},\n keywords = {Biodiesel,Bioglycerol,Carbohydrates,Catalysts,Catalytic oxidation,Dehydration,Design,Design of catalysts,Ethanol,Ethanol fuels,Ethanol to ethylene,Ethylene,Feedstocks,Forecasting,Glycerol,Open structures,Renewable feedstocks,Solid acid catalysts,Starch,Structure prediction},\n number = {12},\n pages = {1630--1639},\n title = {{A general strategy for the design of new solid catalysts for environmentally benign conversions: Solid catalysts for benign conversions}},\n url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-68849089849&partnerID=40&md5=252874206ac4fca1bd23baadc44b017d},\n volume = {52},\n year = {2009}\n}","author_short":["Thomas","M, J.","Hernandez-Garrido","C, J.","Bell","G, R."],"author":["Thomas","M, J","Hernandez-Garrido","C, J","Bell","G, R"],"annote":"Cited By (since 1996): 11 Export Date: 15 January 2013 Source: Scopus doi: 10.1007/s11244-009-9302-5 Language of Original Document: English Correspondence Address: Thomas, J. 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Chen, J., Thomas, J.M., (1994) Chem Commun, p. 603; Thomas, J.M., Hernandez-Garrido, J.C., Raja, R., Bell, R.G., (2009) Phys Chem Chem Phys, 11, pp. 2799-2825; Raja, R., Adams, R.D., Blom, D.A., Pearl, W.C., Gianotti, E., Thomas, J.M., (2009) Langmuir, p. 25. , (in press)","address":"Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ, United Kingdom","abstract":"After first outlining in qualitative terms progress made in predicting and modelling solids in general, a brief account is given of the substantial progress made in enumerating hypothetical open structures based on 4-coordinantion, some of which will possibly play a role in the catalytic conversion of carbohydrates that figure eminently in renewable feedstocks. Specifically, in outlining trends in processing renewable organic species, attention is paid to (i) converting starch into potentially important new fuels; (ii) the catalytic dehydration of bio-ethanol to yield ethylene; and (iii) catalytically assisted modifications that can be made to bio-glycerol, especially via oxidation. Finally, progress made in a general strategy for the design of new catalysts is outlined, and a tabulation given of a dozen or so examples that have high commercial significance. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009."},"bibtype":"article","biburl":"http://www2.uca.es/dept/cmat_qinor/nanomat/people/Hernandez.bib","downloads":0,"keywords":["biodiesel","bioglycerol","carbohydrates","catalysts","catalytic oxidation","dehydration","design","design of catalysts","ethanol","ethanol fuels","ethanol to ethylene","ethylene","feedstocks","forecasting","glycerol","open structures","renewable feedstocks","solid acid catalysts","starch","structure prediction"],"search_terms":["general","strategy","design","new","solid","catalysts","environmentally","benign","conversions","solid","catalysts","benign","conversions","thomas","m","hernandez-garrido","c","bell","g"],"title":"A general strategy for the design of new solid catalysts for environmentally benign conversions: Solid catalysts for benign conversions","year":2009,"dataSources":["pqNLDE8KoKYJT9u7K"]}