A Journey Through an Autonomous Multi-rover Coordination Scenario in Mars Cave Exploration. Troesch, M., Vaquero, T., Byon, A., & Chien, S. In International Conference on Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2018) System Demonstrations and Exhibits Track, Delft, Netherlands, June, 2018.
	title        = {A Journey Through an Autonomous Multi-rover Coordination Scenario in Mars Cave Exploration},
	author       = {Martina Troesch and Tiago Vaquero and Amos Byon and Steve Chien},
	year         = 2018,
	month        = {June},
	booktitle    = {International Conference on Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2018) System Demonstrations and Exhibits Track},
	address      = {Delft, Netherlands},
	clearance    = {CL\#18-1881},
	project      = {CaveRovers},
	todo         = {url}

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