Coherent Diffractive Imaging of Time-Evolving Samples with Improved Temporal Resolution. Ulvestad, A., Tripathi, A., Hruszkewycz, S. O., Cha, W., Fuoss, P. H., Wild, S. M., & Stephenson, G. B. Physical Review B, 93(18):184105, 2016.
doi  bibtex   
  author  = {Andrew Ulvestad and Ash Tripathi and Stephan O. Hruszkewycz and Wonsuk Cha and Paul H. Fuoss and Stefan M. Wild and G. Brian Stephenson},
  title   = {Coherent Diffractive Imaging of Time-Evolving Samples with Improved Temporal Resolution},
  doi     = {10.1103/PhysRevB.93.184105},
  number  = {18},
  pages   = {184105},
  volume  = {93},
  anumber = {ANL/MCS-P5430-1115},
  journal = {Physical Review B},
  year    = {2016},

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