Effects of flow collisionality on ELM replication in plasma guns. Underwood, T., Subramaniam, V, Riedel, W., Raja, L., & Cappelli, M. Fusion Engineering and Design, 144:97–106, 2019. Query date: 2020-04-08 23:21:50
	author = {TC Underwood and V Subramaniam and WM Riedel and LL Raja and MA Cappelli},
	type = {Journal article},
	title = {Effects of flow collisionality on ELM replication in plasma guns},
	journal = {Fusion Engineering and Design},
	citation = {https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation\&hl=en\&user=UXFidGcAAAAJ\&cstart=200\&pagesize=100\&citation_for_view=UXFidGcAAAAJ:wyM6WWKXmoIC},
	year = {2019},
	volume = {144},
	pages = {97--106},
	note = {1 cites: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?oi=bibs\&hl=en\&cites=4606505137883937736},
	note = {Query date: 2020-04-08 23:21:50},

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