Nonparametric Gaussian mixture models for the multi-armed contextual bandit. Urteaga, I. & Wiggins, C. H. arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.02932, 2023.
Nonparametric Gaussian mixture models for the multi-armed contextual bandit [link]Paper  bibtex   1 download  
  author        = {I{\~n}igo Urteaga and Chris H. Wiggins},
  journal       = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.02932},
  title         = {{Nonparametric Gaussian mixture models for the multi-armed contextual bandit}},
  year          = {2023},
  archiveprefix = {arXiv},
  eprint        = {1808.02932},
  keywords      = {Statistics - Machine Learning, Computer Science - Machine Learning, Statistics - Computation, I.2.6},
  owner         = {iurteaga},
  primaryclass  = {stat.ML},
  timestamp     = {2017.11.01},
  url           = {},

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