Function of the Brain Noradrenergic Neurons in Behaving Primate: New Data and a Computational Model. Usher, M., Cohen, J. D., Servan-Schreber, D., Rajkowski, J., Kubiak, P., & Aston-Jones, G. preprint, 1996.
@article{ Usher_etal96b,
  author = {Usher, M. and Cohen, J. D. and Servan-Schreber, D. and Rajkowski,
	J. and Kubiak, P. and Aston-Jones, G.},
  title = {Function of the Brain Noradrenergic Neurons in Behaving Primate:
	New Data and a Computational Model},
  journal = {preprint},
  year = {1996},
  pages = {1-13},
  en_number = {9.3:1}

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