Claiming the Right to Health in the Face of Ignorance of Yagé as a Therapeutic Possibility; [Revendiquer le droit à la santé face à la méconnaissance du yagé comme possibilité thérapeutique]; [Reivindicación del derecho a la salud frente al desconocimiento del yagé como posibilidad terapéutica]. Vallejo Vilaró, V. M. & Montoya agudelo , C. A. Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Social, 38:151 – 184, 2024. Publisher: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Astronomia Type: Article
Claiming the Right to Health in the Face of Ignorance of Yagé as a Therapeutic Possibility; [Revendiquer le droit à la santé face à la méconnaissance du yagé comme possibilité thérapeutique]; [Reivindicación del derecho a la salud frente al desconocimiento del yagé como posibilidad terapéutica] [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
As orphan diseases are of special interest, it is a priority according to Law 1392 of 2010 to incorporate all the necessary components to guarantee those who suffer from them social protection, beyond health. Treatment options are limited, however, it is contradictory to find that ayahuasca has been confirmed as a totally viable alternative, to improve the living conditions of people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases and who are in serious danger due to various factors that point to especially ignorance. It is proposed to review compliance with Statutory Law 1751 of 2015 regarding the guarantee and claim of rights in the face of ignorance of yagé as a therapeutic possibility in patients who do not respond satisfactorily to conventional medical treatments; analyze the importance of allowing the use of ayahuasca in medicine, examine its history and recommendations for its use as a therapeutic treatment. According to the consultations carried out, it is obtained that, although by law the research and implementation of ayahuasca should be prioritized, various factors in addition to cultural ones, are making it impossible for people who are seriously affected by orphan diseases not to enjoy this benefit. © 2024 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Astronomia. All rights reserved.
	title = {Claiming the {Right} to {Health} in the {Face} of {Ignorance} of {Yagé} as a {Therapeutic} {Possibility}; [{Revendiquer} le droit à la santé face à la méconnaissance du yagé comme possibilité thérapeutique]; [{Reivindicación} del derecho a la salud frente al desconocimiento del yagé como posibilidad terapéutica]},
	volume = {38},
	issn = {18704670},
	url = {},
	doi = {10.22201/iij.24487899e.2024.38.18939},
	abstract = {As orphan diseases are of special interest, it is a priority according to Law 1392 of 2010 to incorporate all the necessary components to guarantee those who suffer from them social protection, beyond health. Treatment options are limited, however, it is contradictory to find that ayahuasca has been confirmed as a totally viable alternative, to improve the living conditions of people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases and who are in serious danger due to various factors that point to especially ignorance. It is proposed to review compliance with Statutory Law 1751 of 2015 regarding the guarantee and claim of rights in the face of ignorance of yagé as a therapeutic possibility in patients who do not respond satisfactorily to conventional medical treatments; analyze the importance of allowing the use of ayahuasca in medicine, examine its history and recommendations for its use as a therapeutic treatment. According to the consultations carried out, it is obtained that, although by law the research and implementation of ayahuasca should be prioritized, various factors in addition to cultural ones, are making it impossible for people who are seriously affected by orphan diseases not to enjoy this benefit. © 2024 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Astronomia. All rights reserved.},
	language = {Spanish},
	journal = {Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Social},
	author = {Vallejo Vilaró, Valerie Michelle and Montoya agudelo, César Alveiro},
	year = {2024},
	note = {Publisher: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Astronomia
Type: Article},
	pages = {151 -- 184},

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