Precedence-constrained scheduling problems parameterized by partial order width. van Bevern, R., Bredereck, R., Bulteau, L., Komusiewicz, C., Talmon, N., & Woeginger, G. J. In Kochetov, Y., Khachay, M., Beresnev, V., Nurminski, E., & Pardalos, P., editors, DOOR 2016, volume 9869, of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 105-120. Springer, 2016.
Precedence-constrained scheduling problems parameterized by partial order width [link]Preprint  Precedence-constrained scheduling problems parameterized by partial order width [pdf]Slides  doi  abstract   bibtex   1 download  
Negatively answering a question posed by Mnich and Wiese (Math. Program. 154(1-2):533-562), we show that P2|prec,pj∈1,2|Cmax, the problem of finding a non-preemptive minimum-makespan schedule for precedence-constrained jobs of lengths 1 and 2 on two parallel identical machines, is W[2]-hard parameterized by the width of the partial order giving the precedence constraints. To this end, we show that Shuffle Product, the problem of deciding whether a given word can be obtained by interleaving the letters of k other given words, is W[2]-hard parameterized by k, thus additionally answering a question posed by Rizzi and Vialette (CSR 2013). Finally, refining a geometric algorithm due to Servakh (Diskretn. Anal. Issled. Oper. 7(1):75-82), we show that the more general Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling problem is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by the partial order width combined with the maximum allowed difference between the earliest possible and factual starting time of a job.

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