Optimal-size problem kernels for $d$-Hitting Set in linear time and space. van Bevern, R. & Smirnov, P. V. Information Processing Letters, 2020.
Optimal-size problem kernels for $d$-Hitting Set in linear time and space [link]Preprint  Optimal-size problem kernels for $d$-Hitting Set in linear time and space [link]Code  Optimal-size problem kernels for $d$-Hitting Set in linear time and space [link]Poster  doi  abstract   bibtex   6 downloads  
We improve two linear-time data reduction algorithms for the d-Hitting Set problem to work in linear space, thus obtaining the first algorithms for computing problem kernels of asymptotically optimal size O(k^d) for d-Hitting Set in linear time and space. We experimentally compare the two algorithms to a classical data reduction algorithm of Weihe and evaluate their combinations.
  title =	 {Optimal-size problem kernels for $d$-Hitting Set in
                  linear time and space},
  author =	 {René van Bevern and Pavel V. Smirnov},
  year =	 {2020},
  date =	 {2020-10-01},
  journal =	 {Information Processing Letters},
  volyme =	 {163},
  pages =	 {105998},
  doi =		 {10.1016/j.ipl.2020.105998},
  url_Preprint = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.04578},
  url_Code =	 {https://gitlab.com/PavelSmirnov/hs-lintimespace},
  url_Poster =	 {https://figshare.com/articles/poster/Optimal-size_problem_kernels_for_d-Hitting_Set_in_linear_time_and_space/12782975},
  abstract =	 {We improve two linear-time data reduction algorithms
                  for the d-Hitting Set problem to work in linear
                  space, thus obtaining the first algorithms for
                  computing problem kernels of asymptotically optimal
                  size O(k^d) for d-Hitting Set in linear time and
                  space. We experimentally compare the two algorithms
                  to a classical data reduction algorithm of Weihe and
                  evaluate their combinations.}

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