. Van Oosterom, P., Zlatanova, S., & Van Harmelen, F. Van Oosterom, P. & Zlatanova, S, editors. Semantic Web Technologies as the Foundation for the Information Infrastructure. CRC Press, 2008.
abstract   bibtex   
The Semantic Web is arising over the pas few years as a realistic option for a world wide Information Infrastructure, with its promises of semantic interoperability and serendipitous reuse. In this paper we will analyse the essential ingredients of semantic technologies, what makes them suitable as the foundation for the Information Infrastructure, and what the alternatives to semantic technologies would be as foundations for the Information Infrastructure. We will make a survey of the most important achievements on semantic technologies in the past few years, and point to the most important challenges that remain to be solved. 3.1 Historical trend towards increasing demands on interoperability When Thomas Watson, the founder of IBM, was asked for his estimate of how many computers would be needed worldwide, his reply is widely claimed to have been: 'about five'
  title     = "Semantic Web Technologies as the Foundation for the Information Infrastructure",
  abstract  = "The Semantic Web is arising over the pas few years as a realistic option for a world wide Information Infrastructure, with its promises of semantic interoperability and serendipitous reuse. In this paper we will analyse the essential ingredients of semantic technologies, what makes them suitable as the foundation for the Information Infrastructure, and what the alternatives to semantic technologies would be as foundations for the Information Infrastructure. We will make a survey of the most important achievements on semantic technologies in the past few years, and point to the most important challenges that remain to be solved. 3.1 Historical trend towards increasing demands on interoperability When Thomas Watson, the founder of IBM, was asked for his estimate of how many computers would be needed worldwide, his reply is widely claimed to have been: 'about five'",
  keywords  = "everythingimport",
  author    = "{Van Oosterom}, Peter and S. Zlatanova and {Van Harmelen}, Frank",
  year      = "2008",
  series    = "Creating Spatial Information Infrastructures Towards the Spatial Semantic Web",
  publisher = "CRC Press",
  editor    = "{Van Oosterom}, Peter and S Zlatanova",
  booktitle = "Creating Spatial Information Infrastructures Towards the Spatial Semantic Web",

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