Dynamic representation of taste-related decisions in the gustatory insular cortex of mice. Vincis, R, Chen, K, Czarnecki, L, Chen, J, & Fontanini, A Current Biology, Elsevier, 2020.
Dynamic representation of taste-related decisions in the gustatory insular cortex of mice [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Research over the past decade has established the gustatory insular cortex (GC) as a model for studying how primary sensory cortices integrate sensory, affective, and cognitive signals. This integration occurs through time-varying patterns of neural activity. Selective silencing of GC activity during specific temporal windows provided evidence for GC's role in mediating taste palatability and expectation. Recent results also suggest that this area may play a role in decision making. However, existing data are limited to GC involvement in controlling the …
	author = {R Vincis and K Chen and L Czarnecki and J Chen and A Fontanini},
	type = {HTML},
	title = {Dynamic representation of taste-related decisions in the gustatory insular cortex of mice},
	journal = {Current Biology},
	publisher = {Elsevier},
	url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096098222030350X},
	fulltext = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096098222030350X},
	related = {https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=related:HVlsBNwwYOQJ:scholar.google.com/\&scioq=vincis+r+chen+k+czarnecki+l+chen+j+fontanini+a+dynamic+representation+of+%22taste+related%22+decisions+in+the+gustatory+insular+cortex+of+mice+biorxiv+2019+jan+1\&hl=en\&as_sdt=0,5\&as_vis=1},
	year = {2020},
	abstract = {Research over the past decade has established the gustatory insular cortex (GC) as a model for studying how primary sensory cortices integrate sensory, affective, and cognitive signals. This integration occurs through time-varying patterns of neural activity. Selective silencing of GC activity during specific temporal windows provided evidence for GC's role in mediating taste palatability and expectation. Recent results also suggest that this area may play a role in decision making. However, existing data are limited to GC involvement in controlling the …},


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