Die somatische Dysfunktion der Halswirbelsäule und ihr komplexes klinisches Bild. Wagner, F. M. Der Orthopäde, 51(4):263–273, April, 2022. Company: Springer Distributor: Springer Institution: Springer Label: Springer Number: 4 Publisher: Springer Medizin
Die somatische Dysfunktion der Halswirbelsäule und ihr komplexes klinisches Bild [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Patients suffering from a segmental and somatic dysfunction of the cervical spine often present a wide variety of clinical symptoms related to cervicobrachial or cervicocephalic syndrome. These symptoms might evolve out of complex neural intersegmental or trigeminocervical interactions in the brain stem or the spinal cord of the cervical spine. After the exclusion of life-threatening preconditions, a careful physical examination with aspects of manual medicine aspects might unmask the cervical dysfunction as the primary cause of the symptoms. Treatment with manual medicine on the basis of a segmental antinociceptive proprioceptive input might then be an appropriate therapeutic approach.
	title = {Die somatische {Dysfunktion} der {Halswirbelsäule} und ihr komplexes klinisches {Bild}},
	volume = {51},
	copyright = {2022 The Author(s)},
	issn = {1433-0431},
	url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00132-022-04228-7},
	doi = {10.1007/s00132-022-04228-7},
	abstract = {Patients suffering from a segmental and somatic dysfunction of the cervical spine often present a wide variety of clinical symptoms related to cervicobrachial or cervicocephalic syndrome. These symptoms might evolve out of complex neural intersegmental or trigeminocervical interactions in the brain stem or the spinal cord of the cervical spine. After the exclusion of life-threatening preconditions, a careful physical examination with aspects of manual medicine aspects might unmask the cervical dysfunction as the primary cause of the symptoms. Treatment with manual medicine on the basis of a segmental antinociceptive proprioceptive input might then be an appropriate therapeutic approach.},
	language = {de},
	number = {4},
	urldate = {2023-11-02},
	journal = {Der Orthopäde},
	author = {Wagner, Florian Max-Josef},
	month = apr,
	year = {2022},
	note = {Company: Springer
Distributor: Springer
Institution: Springer
Label: Springer
Number: 4
Publisher: Springer Medizin},
	pages = {263--273},

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