Using Smart Eyeglasses as a Wearable Game Controller. Wahl, F., Freund, M., & Amft, O. In Ubicomp 2015: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, In press. ACM.
abstract   bibtex   
We investigated how regular eyeglasses fitted with sensing and processing capabilities can be used as a wearable game controller. For this purpose we built a demo based on our smart eyeglasses prototype. WISEglass allows the wearer to control the game Pac-Man through head motions. The control signals are extracted from a gyroscope mounted in the temple of WISEglass. Furthermore we integrated heart rate information into the game.
  Title                    = {Using Smart Eyeglasses as a Wearable Game Controller},
  Author                   = {Florian Wahl and Martin Freund and Oliver Amft},
  Booktitle                = {Ubicomp 2015: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing},
  Year                     = {In press},
  Publisher                = {ACM},

  Abstract                 = {We investigated how regular eyeglasses fitted with sensing and processing capabilities can be used as a wearable game controller. For this purpose we built a demo based on our smart eyeglasses prototype. WISEglass allows the wearer to control the game Pac-Man through head motions. The control signals are extracted from a gyroscope mounted in the temple of WISEglass. Furthermore we integrated heart rate information into the game.},
  File                     = {Wahl2015-P_UbicompAdjunct.pdf:Wahl2015-P_UbicompAdjunct.pdf:PDF},
  Owner                    = {oamft},
  Timestamp                = {2015/07/10}

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