A Decentralised System Approach for Controlling AGVs with ROS. Walenta, R., Schellekens, T., Ferrein, A., & Schiffer, S. In Proceedings of the IEEE AFRICON 2017, September 18-20, 2017. IEEE.
A Decentralised System Approach for Controlling AGVs with ROS [link]Conference  abstract   bibtex   1 download  
The current industrial state of the art for automated guided vehicles relies on centralised controllers dispatching transports to vehicles along predefined paths. The design of these paths is time-consuming and has to be done in advance, followed by an extensive testing phase. In the field of mobile robotics, robust path planning and navigation algorithms exist. However, they have not yet found their way into industrial applications in larger numbers. In this paper, we present a system architecture for a decentralised control of multiple automated guided vehicles performing material transportation tasks in intra-logistic applications which is based on mobile robotics solutions. The proposed system includes solutions for self-localisation, behaviour control, conflict-free routing and motion control. The non-centralised control of the system architecture allows for dynamic path planning and traffic coordination. Its implementation is based on the Robot Operating System, the de-facto standard middleware for robotics applications. We give an overview of the overall system architecture as well as the coordination mechanisms and show a first proof of concept in simulations.
@inproceedings{ Walenta:Schellekens:Ferrein:Schiffer:AFRICON2017:DecentralisedAGVsROS,
  author       = {Robert Walenta and Twan Schellekens and Alexander Ferrein and Stefan Schiffer},
  title        = {A Decentralised System Approach for Controlling AGVs with ROS},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings of the IEEE AFRICON 2017},
  OPTeditor       = {Jan Haase and Gerhard Hancke and Albert Lysko},
  OPTvolume       = {},
  OPTpages        = {XX--YY},
  year         = {2017},
  month        = {September 18-20},
  location     = {Cape Town, South Africa},
  publisher    = {IEEE},
  OPTisbn         = {},
  OPTissn         = {},
  url_Conference = {http://africon2017.org/},
  abstract     = {The current industrial state of the art for
                  automated guided vehicles relies on centralised
                  controllers dispatching transports to vehicles along
                  predefined paths.
                  The design of these paths is time-consuming and has
                  to be done in advance, followed by an extensive
                  testing phase. In the field of mobile robotics,
                  robust path planning and navigation algorithms
                  exist.  However, they have not yet found their way
                  into industrial applications in larger numbers.
                  In this paper, we present a system architecture for
                  a decentralised control of multiple automated guided
                  vehicles performing material transportation tasks in
                  intra-logistic applications which is based on mobile
                  robotics solutions. The proposed system includes
                  solutions for self-localisation, behaviour control,
                  conflict-free routing and motion control. The
                  non-centralised control of the system architecture
                  allows for dynamic path planning and traffic
                  coordination. Its implementation is based on the
                  Robot Operating System, the de-facto standard
                  middleware for robotics applications.  We give an
                  overview of the overall system architecture as well
                  as the coordination mechanisms and show a first
                  proof of concept in simulations.},

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